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Dedicated Criminal Defence Lawyers in Alberta

Strategic Defences from a Committed Legal Team

BW Law is a leading criminal defence law firm in Alberta. We passionately represent adults and youths facing criminal offences and regulatory sanctions across the province. Our lawyers have 25 years of success between them and are supported by a top-notch legal team and staff. We provide clients with comprehensive legal strategies during every step in the criminal justice process. We’ve built and maintained an excellent reputation for relentlessly fighting for our clients. If you’ve been charged with an offence, our lawyers and team will help you regain your freedom and give you hope.

Areas We Practice

Violent Offence Lawyers in Edmonton, AB
Violent Offences
Domestic Violence Defence Lawyers in Edmonton, AB
Domestic Violence
Fraud & Workplace Investigation Lawyers in Edmonton, AB
Fraud & Workplace Investigation
Sexual Offence Lawyers in Edmonton, AB
Sexual Offences
Criminal Defence Cases in Edmonton, AB

We Handle the Most Complex Cases

Every case is unique. Whether you’ve been charged with a minor or major offence, having a clear action plan for navigating it is essential. We develop and tailor our client’s legal strategies around their specific change and needs. As seasoned professionals, we understand every aspect of the criminal justice process and help our clients through it daily. We’ve taken on clients subject to intense public and media scrutiny and successfully argued on their behalf, producing the best possible results. our lawyers specialize in defending clients against sexual offences, domestic assault, other violent offences, driving offences, traffic violations, fraud, workplace investigations, and property offences.

Determined Defenders in Your Time of Need

Have you been charged with a criminal or regulatory offence? Are the law and others treating you like a criminal when they’re supposed to presume you innocent until proven otherwise? At BW Law, we take the presumption of innocence to heart. Don’t navigate the criminal justice system alone. Our lawyers will tenaciously navigate the legal system on your behalf. As we develop our legal opinion on your case, we’ll assess the evidence gathered by police and contextualize that with your side of the story. We will give you honest, clear-cut legal advice as we outline all of our legal options.
Legal Practices at BW Law in Edmonton, AB

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